Plot: Father Mitch Pacwa hosts this interview series designed to teach and prepare people for evangelism. Whether the topic is Protestant theology or the nature and dignity of women, or a religious figure such as Mother Teresa or Pope Pius XII, the lively discussions between Pacwa and his invited guests...
Plot: Fr. Brian Mullady and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers share the importance of practicing the four cardinal virtues- prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
Plot: Doug Keck and his special guests focus on the personal lives and works of famous Catholic authors and explain the themes and philosophies of their writings.
Plot: Barbara McGuigan talks with guests about the topic of virtue and the pivotal role that faith must play in the life of modern civilization. McGuigan is the founder of Voice of Virtue International, a nonprofit organization that works to increase -- among people of all ages and faiths -- awareness of...
Plot: "Cat Chat" is a fast-paced family show aimed at children that presents the essential teachings and treasures of the Roman Catholic faith through songs, stories, prayer and conversations. Topics in each episode include learning about a powerful and loving God, the Catholic Mass, the Sacraments, the...