Plot: Vision Television host Gerald Flurry presents a weekly analysis of world events. Through the perspective of biblical prophecy, Flurry delivers messages of warning, often about issues concerning the growing power and influence of the European Union. From the studios of the Philadelphia Church of God...
Plot: Beginning in Jerusalem and using the book of acts as his roadmap, Dave travels and explores the Mediterranean region to share the events that launched the Christian faith.
Plot: Bible teacher Joyce Meyer reaches out to both Christians and non-Christians, as she illustrates how to make each day better by applying biblical principles to every activity.
Plot: The Shepherd's Grove Church is a community of wounded healers and broken people who have found redemption in God. Through a weekly podcast, television show, and various church services, the program brings the message of God to thousands of people around the country. Join Bobby Schuller as he prays,...
Plot: Tony Kleinman is a columnist and sports TV host who doesn't often think before speaking and frequently uses his home life as column fodder, much to the chagrin of his wife and their two kids. The sitcom is based on the life and writings of sportswriter Tony Kornheiser.