Plot: From executive producers Carlton Cuse ("Lost," "Bates Motel") and Raelle Tucker ("True Blood"), "The Returned" is set in a small town that is changed forever when a seemingly random collection of locals suddenly reappear. What they do not yet know is that they have been dead for several years, and...
Plot: The top-notch team of hosts Hana Gartner, Linden MacIntyre, Bob McKeown and Gillian Findlay provides unique and engaging documentaries from Canada and beyond. For more than three decades, Canadians have tuned in to experience interesting stories that are always well-crafted and thought-provoking.
Plot: New Yorker article written by Pulitzer prize-winning author John Hersey, featuring recollections of six survivors of the world's first atomic bomb drop.
Plot: This series documents the last 12 months in the shoes of people escaping war and poverty as they try to cross Europe. With the Syrian civil war sending thousands of people across seas to seek refuge, a mass migration crisis is born as countries close off their borders, causing Syrians to take perilous...
Plot: Follow the adventures of a French justice team comprising of police personnel and prosecutors as they try to solve some of the toughest criminal cases of the city.
Plot: This crime-drama follows a group of Paris police officers who live at the edge of the law, often using violence and intimidation to get the job done. The officers' lives change when their squad leader, who had been falsely accused of corruption, commits suicide. When they start an investigation in order...
Plot: "The Miracle of Life" was an episode produced by Nova about the human reproductive process. The episode won multiple awards including a Peabody and an Emmy. Photographed by Lennart Nilsson, the program was originally aired in Sweden as "The Saga of Life." Wikipedia
Plot: Four Hours in My Lai is a 1989 television documentary made by Yorkshire Television concerning the 1968 My Lai Massacre by the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. The film includes interviews with soldiers at the massacre, and the later trials of those involved. Wikipedia
Plot: Heart of the Dragon is a 1984 British documentary television directed by David Kennard. It was first aired in England on Channel 4, and in the United States by PBS. The 12-episode series won several international awards, including an Emmy. Wikipedia
Plot: Welcome to North Korea is a 2001 Dutch documentary directed by Peter Tetteroo and Raymond Feddema for KRO Television. The film won an International Emmy in 2001 for best documentary. Wikipedia