Plot: The long-running "Lockup" reality TV franchise interviews inmates and employees at correctional facilities around the world. This series focuses on women in prisons across America. The show tells stories of female inmates, including the challenges they face whether they're locked up for small infractions...
Plot: This documentary series takes viewers inside prisons and jails across America and around the world, offering rarely obtained and comprehensive access into these locations. The show profiles the inmates and employees who work at these facilities, highlighting their day-to-day experiences and interactions...
Plot: This documentary series takes viewers inside prisons and jails across America and around the world, offering rarely obtained and comprehensive access into these locations. The show profiles the inmates and employees who work at these facilities, highlighting their day-to-day experiences and interactions...
Plot: On the heels of a recent United States Supreme Court ruling that mandatory life terms without the possibility of parole for juveniles is a violation of the 8th Amendment, this docuseries spotlights eight convicted child offenders who are now seeking resentencing. The focus is split between the facts...
Plot: Cameras go behind the crumbling walls of San Quentin State Prison in California, where overcrowding and lack of modernization are blamed for an ever-increasing number of inmate attacks on guards. The facility, which has four cell blocks containing more than 800 prisoners each, also houses a number...
Plot: Professor David Wilson, a former prison governor-turned-Birmingham criminologist - whom Channel 5 describes as a real-life `Cracker' - digs deeper into the crimes committed by some of the country's most notorious serial killers. Using advanced criminology techniques and studying interview tapes and...
Plot: In 2008, 2-year-old Caylee Anthony is found dead in the woods near her family home in Florida just six months after she went missing. Her mother, Casey Anthony, becomes the prime suspect in her disappearance and subsequent murder and she is indicted on capital murder charges among others. Though many...