Plot: In going behind bars of Georgia's correctional system, each episode of this series examines one aspect of the state's paramilitary approach to their prisoners, the idea being treat them like highly disciplined soldiers and they will stop acting like criminals. Over the course of a year, cameras capture...
Plot: This documentary series takes viewers inside prisons and jails across America and around the world, offering rarely obtained and comprehensive access into these locations. The show profiles the inmates and employees who work at these facilities, highlighting their day-to-day experiences and interactions...
Plot: Crime invasion: Britainรขs New Underworld is a 10 part is a documentary television programme produced in the United Kingdom by Vashca for the television station Virgin 1. This documentary series investigates the new organised crime cells that now dominate Britain's underworld, such...
Plot: A journalist travels to different locations to explore the imprisonment process of various societies. In the Philippines, the featured prison is Rizal Jail, where inmates perform dances and cook for each other. In Poland's Piotrkow Prison, he experiences intensive guard and riot training and spends...
Plot: A journalist travels to different locations to explore the imprisonment process of various societies. In the Philippines, the featured prison is Rizal Jail, where inmates perform dances and cook for each other. In Poland's Piotrkow Prison, he experiences intensive guard and riot training and spends...