Plot: Despedida de Solteros is a reality show produced and broadcast by the Argentinian television network Telefe. The show is hosted by Marley and the actress Carina Zampini. It was first aired on January 22, 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Nelson arrives in Buenos Aires with a fighting cock for his brother Roque. But his search throws him in the middle of a war between asphalt pirates in an environment as hostile as it is captivating.
Plot: When an unfulfilled Tunisian musician loses his job playing with a band at a fancy restaurant, he has no idea that he will end up achieving his dreams by mentoring kids at a juvie. A story of loneliness and injustice that transforms into one of hope, fulfilment and recognition. When an unfulfilled Tunisian...
Plot: A todo o nada was an Argentine game show, created by the production company Endemol presented by Guido Kaczka. It was first aired by Telefe with the name "El último pasajero", from 2005 to 2009, and from 2011 by El Trece, first with the name "Bariló, a todo o nada" and the current name. Wikipedia...