Plot: Cantando por un Sueño is a former segment inside the Argentine television program Showmatch, and now an independent TV show broadcast on El Trece. On the contest, a non-celebrity "dreamer" who in addition must be a professional singer, is accompanied by a celebrity for some weeks of a singing competition...
Plot: A real state fraud ruins the lives of seven women, who end up at the edge of the abyss. Emotionally and financially broken, they are linked to the case because of their relationship to the con artist.
Plot: A show that discusses news about economics, politics, general interest and entertainment issues and current affairs, with exclusive interviews and more.
Plot: Florencia, a lively young woman, starts working as a nanny at the Fritzenwalden house. There, she meets Federico, who has just returned from Germany to take care of his siblings after their parent's death.
Plot: The most daring and truthful news recognized due to its journalistic rigor that collects information and opinion with the contribution of audiovisual technology.