Plot: Aerial China, also known as Bird's-eye China, is a Chinese documentary television series showcasing the country's landscape via only aerial videos. It aimed to consist of a total of 34 episodes and cover all of ChinaΓ’s 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, four municipalities and...
Plot: The CCTV New Year's Gala, also known as the Spring Festival Gala, and commonly abbreviated in Chinese as Chunwan, is a Chinese New Year special produced by China Media Group. Wikipedia
Plot: Xinwen Lianbo is a daily news programme produced by China Central Television, a state broadcaster. It is shown simultaneously by all local TV stations in mainland China, making it one of the world's most-watched programmes. It has been broadcast since 1 January 1978. Wikipedia
Plot: Zhong Guo Shi Xiang Qin, known in English as Chinese Dating with the Parents is a Chinese companion dating show, it is made and broadcast on Dragon Television in China and is currently hosted by Zhang Guoli and Chen Chen. Wikipedia
Plot: Sing My Song is a Chinese reality talent show that premiered on 3 January 2014 on CCTV-3 channel sponsored by Hangzhou Wahaha Group and Wahaha Joint Venture Company. Wikipedia