Plot: Zhong Guo Shi Xiang Qin, known in English as Chinese Dating with the Parents is a Chinese companion dating show, it is made and broadcast on Dragon Television in China and is currently hosted by Zhang Guoli and Chen Chen. Wikipedia
Plot: China's Got Talent is a Chinese reality television series on Dragon TV and a part of the Got Talent franchise, hosted by Cheng Lei. It is a talent show that features all different kinds of performances of all ages competing for performing contract with FremantleMedia and Sony Music Entertainment. Wikipedia...
Plot: Go Fighting! is a Chinese variety show broadcast on SMG: Dragon Television. It was first aired June 14, 2015. Go Fighting! is classified as a game-variety-reality show, and the MCs and guests complete missions at a landmark to win the objective. Usually each episode will also have an over-arching theme...
Plot: MasterChef China is a Chinese television cooking reality show and a spin-off from the original British MasterChef in 1990. The show is sponsored by Joyoung and Zwiliing. Contestants from all over China have competed on the show. Wikipedia