Plot: Kater Mikesch is a children's book by the Czech author Josef Lada from the 1930s. It was retelled by German author Otfried PreuÃler, who was awarded therefore with the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis in 1963. Wikipedia
Plot: VÃla Amálka is a Czechoslovak animated television series from 1975 aired as part of VeÄernÃÄek. The artwork was by the writer Václav Ätvrtek. The show was drawn and directed by Václav BedÅich. The fairy tales were narrated by JiÅà Hrzá...
Plot: Pohádky z mechu a kapradà is a Czechoslovakian animated children's television series produced from 1968 to 1979. The series focuses on the adventures of two forest people named KÅemÃlek and Vochomůrka, often dealing with certain problems. It was made by BratÅi v triku....