Plot: VÃla Amálka is a Czechoslovak animated television series from 1975 aired as part of VeÄernÃÄek. The artwork was by the writer Václav Ätvrtek. The show was drawn and directed by Václav BedÅich. The fairy tales were narrated by JiÅà Hrzá...
Plot: Tip en Tap is a Belgian animated television series created by Ray Goossens and produced by the Belgische Radio en Televisie in 1969. There were 26 episodes. The series featured two puppies who used to get into some kind of mischief in each episode, but who were always saved by their uncle at the last...
Plot: Pohádky z mechu a kapradà is a Czechoslovakian animated children's television series produced from 1968 to 1979. The series focuses on the adventures of two forest people named KÅemÃlek and Vochomůrka, often dealing with certain problems. It was made by BratÅi v triku....