Plot: Every episode is presented by a host, and features parodies of Swedish and American shows and movies, as well as imitations of various celebrities. There's also satire of politics, parties and politicians, sometimes accompanied with a mash-up parody of a movie or show. Every episode is presented by...
Plot: Aided by his dog Tubbe, private detective Anders Grip solve mysteries in Stockholm from a house boat. This is the third season for the detective with nickname "Snoken" to solve some mysteries out of the everyday life. "Snoken" (Anders Grip) lives on a boat in Stockholm harbour together with his friend...
Plot: Tusenbröder is a drama TV-series on Swedish Television in three seasons, from 2002, 2003 and 2006. The third installment of the series first opened on the big screen, March 10, 2006, edited together as one film, before later being shown on TV as a longer series. Wikipedia
Plot: Oskyldigt dömd is a Swedish drama television series from 2008. The first season was recorded in twelve episodes during February 2008 to be aired later during the fall. It premiered on the Finnish TV channel FST5 on 24 September 2008 and later the same evening on Swedish TV4. The series is produced...
Plot: En fyra för tre is a Swedish television series from 1996. It is based on the American sitcom Three's Company. The series was released on DVD in 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Solsidan is a Swedish television comedy series that premiered on 29 January 2010 on TV4. The series is named after a small part of Saltsjöbaden called Solsidan. It revolves around Alex and Anna who are expecting their first child and have just moved to Alex's childhood home in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm...
Plot: Svensson, Svensson is a Swedish sitcom. It has also been made into a feature film and a play. Two seasons consisting of 12 episodes each were broadcast in the autumn of 1994 and the autumn of 1996. They have since been repeated numerous times. The series was revived for a third season in 2007, and...
Plot: Vita lögner is a Swedish soap opera that aired on TV3. The plot focused on the social life of the hospital staff and families in the fictional town of Strömsvik. Vita lögner was TV3's first big soap opera hit after Kanal5 bought Vänner och fiender from them in 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Tjuvarnas jul was the 2011 SVT Christmas calendar broadcast 1â24 December by Sveriges Television. The plot focuses on a thief named Kurre and his little daughter Charlie. It has a style reminiscent of Charles Dickens' stories. Wikipedia
Plot: Sveriges mästerkock is a Swedish competitive reality television cooking show based on the original British version of MasterChef. The first episode aired on 12 January 2011 on TV4. Wikipedia
Plot: Doktor Mugg is a Swedish television series, named after the program's title character. The series takes place in the fictitious town Dasseborg and revolves around toilet humor, mugg and dass being colloquial terms for toilet in the Swedish language. Wikipedia
Plot: c/o Segemyhr was a Swedish sitcom that premiered on TV4 Sweden on 4 September 1998. The series took place in and around an apartment in an exclusive neighbourhood in Stockholm, Artillerigatan 35 and later Styrmansgatan 52 in the same area. Wikipedia
Plot: Our female warriors take on the might of evil wizards who want the ring at any cost. But by using their bodies as tools of seduction, our heroines conquer those cocks includes an incredible orgy. There is anemia in Transylvania. Therefore the noble vampire family Rysberg are forced to move from their...
Plot: Hem till byn, written by Bengt Bratt, is Sweden's longest-running TV series and one of its most popular. It is a realistic drama about people in a rural Swedish village and their daily life and romances and fights but also the consequences of agricultural policy and other changes in the society. Wikipedia...
Plot: Byhåla is a comedy series featuring Ronny and Ragge, played by Fredde Granberg and Peter Settman. The series aired on SVT in 1991 to 1993. Wikipedia