Plot: Byhåla is a comedy series featuring Ronny and Ragge, played by Fredde Granberg and Peter Settman. The series aired on SVT in 1991 to 1993. Wikipedia
Plot: Hem till Midgård is a Swedish sit-com which ran on TV4 in Sweden during 2003. The name is a pun of the classic Swedish TV-series Hem till byn as well as Emmerdale which is known as Hem till gården in Sweden. The series was created and written by Per Simonsson, Fredde Granberg, Johan Petersson...
Plot: Så ska det låta is a Swedish game show, based on the Irish The Lyrics Board. The show was introduced in 1997 and led by Peter Harryson until Peter Settman took over in 2006. In 2014, Kalle Moraeus became the third host of the show. Wikipedia
Plot: Rederiet was a Swedish soap opera that aired on Sveriges Television between August 1992 and April 2002. The cast featured many popular and renowned Swedish actors, and the show has often been referred to as Sweden's version of Dynasty. Wikipedia
Plot: Efterlyst is a Swedish television program, equivalent of America's Most Wanted. The show plays security camera footage, reconstructions of crimes, and then takes calls and tips from the Swedish public. Wikipedia