Plot: Fashion 70s is a 2005 South Korean television series starring Lee Yo-won, Kim Min-jung, Joo Jin-mo and Chun Jung-myung. It was the network's 60th Anniversary of Independence Great Project, and it aired on SBS from 23 May รข 29 August 2005 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55 for 28 episodes...
Plot: Bad Housewife is a 2005 Korean drama series, produced by Yoo In-shik, Jang Tae-yoo and directed by Yoo In-sik and Jang Tae-yu. The series has Son Chang-min, Shin Ae-ra and Yoo Min in leading roles. Wikipedia
Plot: The Dawn of the Empire is a South Korean historical television series. It aired on KBS1 from March 2, 2002 to January 26, 2003 for 94 episodes. It revolves around the reigns of the second, third and fourth king of Goryeo, particularly on the latter, Gwangjong's. Wikipedia