Plot: The Dawn of the Empire is a South Korean historical television series. It aired on KBS1 from March 2, 2002 to January 26, 2003 for 94 episodes. It revolves around the reigns of the second, third and fourth king of Goryeo, particularly on the latter, Gwangjong's. Wikipedia
Plot: Junwoo is a South Korean television series about the Korean War that was broadcast on KBS from 1975 to 1978. Its first remake aired from 1983 to 1984. Its second remake, Legend of the Patriots, aired in 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Tears of the Dragon is a South Korean historical television series. It aired on KBS1 from November 24, 1996 to May 31, 1998 for 159 episodes. The series spans from the foundation of Joseon to the reign of King Sejong. Wikipedia
Plot: Seoul 1945 is a 2006 South Korean period television series starring Ryu Soo-young, Han Eun-jung, So Yoo-jin, Kim Ho-jin, and Park Sang-myun. It aired on KBS1 from January 7 to September 10, 2006 on Saturdays and Sundays at 21:30 for 71 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Yeon Gaesomun is a 2006 South Korean historical television series, starring Lee Tae-gon in titular role. It also featured Hwang In-young, Lee Jung-gil and Son Tae-young. Directed by Lee Jong Han, the series follows the life of Yeon Gaesomun, a powerful military dictator in the waning days of the Goguryeo...
Plot: Drama series is set within the turbulent period between the Japanese colonial era and the division of Korea into North and South. Kang San is from a poor family. He struggles to get away from poverty. Through the game of basketball, he becomes successful and meets a girl from the upper class. He dreams...