Plot: Chef James Martin takes viewers along for the ride as he tours Brittany in this cookery series with a bit of travelogue built in. From the picturesque fishing village of Concarnau to the popular seaside town of Dinan, and all points between, Martin explores classic French cuisine. He scours the local...
Plot: British chef James Martin presents this cookery show in which three home cooks compete to win the title `Cook of the Day'. While preparing a meal from an unusual assortment of ingredients may be an everyday occurrence for the contestants, here they can't dig into their kitchen cupboards. Ingredients...
Plot: Chef and motoring enthusiast James Martin embarks on a culinary road trip through the United States of America. Starting his journey in California, Martin travels across the country with a fine selection of vehicles, including a Pontiac and a classic Harley-Davidson. Over the course of the series,...
Plot: British chef James Martin goes on a culinary adventure around France in this travelogue documentary. As a teenager the host studied in France, and spent a lot of vacation time in the country, which in turn influenced his passion for food. For Martin, legendary TV chef Keith Floyd was another inspiration...
Plot: James showcases some easy-to-make meals that'll help everyone get through the festive period. He cooks a perfect steak and the ultimate post-Christmas breakfast.
Plot: James Martin shall be sharing recipes and celebrity encounters from the Saturday morning series, as well as his `adventures' around the world. The show will offer big names, great recipes, foodie insight and a lot of laughs.
Plot: Well-known TV chef James Martin brings all of his experiences to bear in this cookery programme. His aim is to help the home cook produce restaurant-standard food quickly and easily, with a minimum of fuss.He takes his travel experience and combines it with his cooking experience and offers home cooks...
Plot: Matt Tebbutt is joined by chefs Jane Baxter and Nadiya Hussain, and guest Richard Osman. There are great moments from the BBC food archive, including clips from Rick Stein, Keith Floyd, Nadiya Hussain, Sam Evans and Shauna Guinn. Drinks expert Helen McGinn joins via video link to pick the wines to...