Plot: This travel series hosted by Kira Hesser offers viewers an inside look at remote islands throughout Europe. On these small, sparsely populated isles, people exist without cars, buses or trains for transportation. Most travel and transport goods by donkey, bicycle or other nonmotorized vehicles. The...
Plot: Well-known for its incredible size, it is a lesser-known fact that Australia also includes more than 8,000 islands. Actor Martin Clunes travels to 16 of the best, such as Norfolk Island, the Tiwi Islands, Maria Island and more, which have been chosen because they provide a clear cross-section of what...
Plot: The host interacts with people who gave up their mundane lifestyles to live in exotic beach paradises across the world and about their ingenious business ventures.
Plot: Samantha Brown's "Passport" series of programs has become a mainstay of the Travel Channel lineup, and this latest series is built around the growing trend among American families to take weekend trips in lieu of the traditional one- or two-week vacations. Samantha visits popular weekend destinations...
Plot: Award-winning journalist and travel specialist Rudy Maxa brings the Pacific Rim's history alive with visits to tourist-savvy sites from Kauai's Na Pali Coast to British Columbia. He explores some of the ancient ruins, temples and cobbled streets that define the region's past. Adventures include motorbiking...
Plot: The title of this travel show can be taken literally, as after more than 20 years as host of nationally broadcast news and current affairs programs, Valerie Pringle left the comfort of her interview chair for the chance to chase her dreams on the road. Each episode follows Pringle on a fun and fascinating...