Plot: Award-winning journalist Burt Wolf leads viewers in educational jaunts around the globe in this series that combines the joy of traveling with related explorations of history, culture and cuisine. In each unique location that he visits, Wolf reveals the influences of foreign traditions, investigates...
Plot: For two decades, Laura McKenzie has become known as one of the nation's top travel correspondents, reporting for notable TV and radio shows across the country. Now on her own show, McKenzie travels to first-class destinations around the world to bring those far-off destinations to viewers in their...
Plot: The perky host offers a complete package tour for armchair travelers as she visits a series of colorful European places, offering both practical tips on must-see sights and exceptional accommodations, as well as background on the history and culture of each region she visits. On each trip, Brown interacts...
Plot: Acclaimed photographer Art Wolfe travels the globe in this travel series, allowing viewers to experience remote, awe-inspiring locations from areas across the planet. Spectacular glaciers, stunning deserts, colorful rainforests and remote mountain peaks are among the sights featured from locations...
Plot: This long-running travel series continues to bring viewers to exotic destinations across the world, combining visits to popular tourist spots with a healthy sampling of more flavorful areas off the beaten path. Featuring a rotating cast of youthful presenters, these travelers dine on local delicacies...
Plot: Best friends Pat Johnson and Regina Fraser prove you're never too old to see the world and have some fun in this series that showcases bizarre and exotic attractions across the globe. Combining their passion for travel with a desire to connect with people from other cultures, these two 60-something...
Plot: Journalist Joseph Rosendo likes to recall a quote from Mark Twain at the end of each episode of his Emmy Award-winning television series: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." Embracing that philosophy, "Travelscope" leads viewers on journeys to the world's most exotic locations...
Plot: As a former Washington Post investigative reporter who turned to travel writing almost two decades ago, Rudy Maxa brings a journalist's eye to this travel series, which features Maxa combining the history, culture, people, music and cuisine of a place with beautiful photography. He also strives to...
Plot: Rudy Maxa, known as "The Savvy Traveler" to the many listeners of his popular syndicated radio show, hosts this series where he showcases memorable travel destinations in Europe and shares his knowledge of how people can best enjoy their visits. Maxa helps travelers take charge of their own trips,...
Plot: Award-winning journalist and travel specialist Rudy Maxa brings the Pacific Rim's history alive with visits to tourist-savvy sites from Kauai's Na Pali Coast to British Columbia. He explores some of the ancient ruins, temples and cobbled streets that define the region's past. Adventures include motorbiking...