Plot: Discovery Channel chronicles the first 50 years of space travel - from the first Mercury flights through the Gemini program to the Apollo moon landings, the Space Shuttle, and the construction of the International Space Station - with this dazzling six-hour documentary. The programme incorporates interviews...
Plot: The inside story of NASA's iconic, reusable spacecraft, featuring the thoughts of some of the men and women who designed, built and flew them. Recounting how the shuttle missions changed the world, and mankind's relationship with space.
Plot: NASA's task of reaching beyond the bounds of Earth has uncovered disturbing anomalies that have perplexed even the finest scientific minds. Science Channel digs into the space agency's archives to reveal countless mysteries and unusual encounters, discoveries and sightings. Each hour-long episode scrutinizes...
Plot: On Jul. 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the Moon -- eight years after President John F. Kennedy's Moon Shot speech to a joint session of Congress. Smithsonian Channel celebrates the 50th anniversary of this historic event with a 6-part series that tells the entire...
Plot: Would you let your Mom pick out your next date? Celebrity matchmaker takes on fierce and fiery moms a competitive dating show. Together they choose their contenders and train them in a date boot camp stacking the odds for romance to blossom.