Plot: Hosted by Maria De Filippi, the show stars a certain person with a certain story, who decides to send a letter for a certain reason to a certain person. The latter is invited to the show and, when the sender is shown, he/she can decide whether to discuss with him/her or not. All of this takes place...
Plot: Featuring an engaging feast of the excellent Italian cuisine paired with creativity and tradition. The contest has several segments and features humour as well as an exploration of Italian history.
Plot: Che tempo che fa is an Italian television late-night talk show hosted by Fabio Fazio. It has been broadcast live on Saturdays and Sundays on the Italian TV since 2003. The show has been aired since 13 September 2003 on Rai 3 up to 4 June 2017. On 24 September 2017 it moved to Rai 1, until 2 June 2019...
Plot: This program has been the longest running talk show in the history of Italian television, with the record of 25 seasons, 4,390 episodes, 8,100 hours of transmission and 32,800 guests.
Plot: Eight unknown identities and eight hidden figures, each corresponding to a prize of up to 100 000 euros. Competitors must match the characteristics of each character to the right person.