Plot: A reality game/talk show about forming stable couples. Originally "Uomini e donne" was a talk show about real relationships inspired from the previous "Amici". A few men and women are introduced at the beginning of the seasons as "Tronisti" (they sit on a throne) together with a set of suitors who,...
Plot: Pomeriggio Cinque is an Italian television entertainment news program broadcast every weekday at 5:00 p.m., on the Italian TV channel Canale 5. Barbara D'Urso has hosted the program since 2008. The program leads the ratings for its time slot. Wikipedia
Plot: Her Majesty the Queen will soon be visiting Svanbjerg. The police is called to the newly opened bank, Kontantbanken, where a ticking sound is heard from one of the boxes. Is it just a practical joke or is it a case of misdirection?