Plot: New Tetsujin-28 is a 1980 Japanese Mecha Animated series produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, and a modern style remake of Mitsuteru Yokoyama's manga Tetsujin 28-go. It was directed by Tetsuo Imazawa and produced by both Shigeru Akagawa and Toru Horikoshi. Wikipedia
Plot: The Amazing 3, known in Japan as W3 or Wonder 3, is a Japanese manga and a black and white anime series created by Osamu Tezuka in the 1960s. It involves the adventures of three agents from outer space who are sent to Earth to determine whether the planet, a potential threat to the universe, should...
Plot: Captain Ultra is the titular intergalactic hero of a pulp-style tokusatsu science fiction space adventure television series titled Space Tokusatsu Series: Captain Ultra. Produced by Toei Company Ltd., the series aired on Tokyo Broadcasting System from April 16 to September 24, 1967, with a total of...
Plot: Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 1992 to 1998 original video animation series based on Mitsuteru Yokoyama's manga series Giant Robo. It was written and directed by Yasuhiro Imagawa. Giant Robo is a homage to Yokoyama's career. Wikipedia
Plot: Thunder Mask is a 1972 tokusatsu series produced by Nippon Television. An adaptation by Osamu Tezuka was serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly ShÅnen Sunday from 1972 to 1973. Wikipedia
Plot: Harris no Kaze is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tetsuya Chiba, serialized in Weekly ShÅnen Magazine in 1965. It was the first manga to be reprinted as a TankÅbon in 1967 as part of the Kodansha Comics series. Wikipedia
Plot: Babel II is a 1971 manga series by Mitsuteru Yokoyama. It was translated into an animated format in 1973 as a television series, in 1992 as an original video animation series and in 2001 as a thirteen-episode television series. Yokoyama's sequel to the series, set in a parallel universe, is entitled...
Plot: Paul's Miraculous Adventure is an action-adventure anime television series created by Tatsunoko Productions in partnership with Topcraft. The series was broadcast on Fuji TV and various other local stations across Japan from October 3, 1976, to September 11, 1977, and lasted 50 half-hour episodes....
Plot: Ten years after World War II, Shotaro looks to control and fully understand Tetsujin's capabilities, all the while encountering previous creations and scientists from the Tetsujin Project.
Plot: Super Jetter is a Japanese monochrome anime television series created by Fumio Hisamatsu, who also served as the series character designer. When the series was broadcast in other countries, some episodes were redone in color, and the Japanese rebroadcasts use these color episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Phantom Agents is a Japanese action television series of 130 black and white episodes that aired from 1964 to 1966. The series was created by Tatsuo Yoshida. The Phantom Agents were modern day ninja working for the Japanese government, mostly against the dastardly "Black Flag" organization. Wikipedia...
Plot: Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 1992 to 1998 original video animation series based on Mitsuteru Yokoyama's manga series Giant Robo. It was written and directed by Yasuhiro Imagawa. Giant Robo is a homage to Yokoyama's career. Wikipedia
Plot: Fujimaru of the Wind: The Childhood of a Ninja, also known as Samurai Kid, is a Japanese anime series produced by Toei Animation. 65 episodes aired from 7 June 1964 until 31 August 1965. It tells the story of a ninja's pupil that controlled the wind. Wikipedia
Plot: The Samurai Series brings together three of the most important books dealing with the Samurai path and philosophy into one deluxe, illustrated hardcover volume. The Book of Five Rings was written by Miyamoto Musashi, a Samurai of legendary renown, about 1645. ... Google Books