Plot: Papa wa Newscaster... is a Japanese comedy drama series that first aired on TBS in 1987. Masakazu Tamura gained new popularity through the drama. Also, three special editions of the drama were produced later. Kagami RyutarÅ is a News presenter. He is a playboy, but suddenly he becomes the...
Plot: Furuhata NinzaburÅ is a Japanese television series that ran periodically on Fuji Television from 1994 until its final episodes in 2006. It was written by Japanese playwright KÅki Mitani and is often referred to as the Japanese version of Columbo. Wikipedia
Plot: Åoka Echizen is a prime-time television jidaigeki in Japan. From March 16, 1970 to March 15, 1999, 402 episodes and 15 seasons were broadcast. Wikipedia
Plot: Åedo SÅsamÅ and Shin Åedo SÅsamÅ are long-running prime time television jidaigeki programs that originally aired from 1970 to 1992. The series was broadcast on TV Tokyo. The title literally translates as "Oedo Dragnet". Early on, it carried the...
Plot: Gokenin ZankurÅ is a novel by RenzaburÅ Shibata. The protagonist of this jidaigeki is Matsudaira ZankurÅ, a low-ranking gokenin in the service of the Tokugawa shogunate. He lives with his mother Masajo in the shogunal capital of Edo. Wikipedia
Plot: A young woman visits a plastic surgeon to change her face as a means of hiding from her abusive policeman husband. She asks the doctor to make her look like his first love, so he gives her the face of his wife, who died several years earlier. The two begin to fall in love, and together must hide as...
Plot: Mito KÅmon is a Japanese jidaigeki or period drama that was on prime-time television from 1969 to 2011 making it the longest-running jidaigeki in Japanese television history. The title character is the historic Tokugawa Mitsukuni, former vice-shÅgun and retired second daimyÅ...
Plot: JinbÄ is a romance manga by Mitsuru Adachi. It appeared irregularly in the manga magazine Big Comic Original from 1992 through 1997, and was collected in one tankÅbon volume in May 1997. In 1998, it was adapted as an 11-episode television drama series by Fuji TV. Wikipedia