Plot: This reality series follows fitness enthusiast Davina McCall as she helps people with health troubles improve their lives. There are many people suffering from common conditions such as obesity where lifestyles can be vastly affected. McCall meets with individuals seeking a solution to what is damaging...
Plot: Jeremy Kyle presents a studio-based medical show that aims to help people with health issues. Various patients share their stories on the programme and are then examined by a doctor or nurse. The medical professionals give their diagnoses and provide sufferers with treatment plans. The episodes deal...
Plot: Britain is already the most obese country in Western Europe, with more than 50 per cent of the population projected to be obese by 2050. Obesity is the second biggest cause of premature death in the UK after smoking tobacco. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall confronts some of the biggest food companies and...
Plot: Following the efforts of vet Sasha Nowell and trainer Alexis Banas as they attempt to rescue New Zealand's pets from an epidemic of animal obesity.
Plot: Medical professional Shaw Somers, also known as the `Fat Doctor', explores extreme cases of obesity. Over the episodes Somers meets people with heart-wrenching stories who are suffering because of their weight. The doctor gives his patients their treatment plan and the cameras capture their journey...