Plot: Battling weight issues is something that many people deal with on a daily basis, including teenagers. This reality show follows a group of overweight teens at Wellspring Academy, a North Carolina boarding school that helps teens lose weight. The teens featured on "Too Fat for 15" are trying to shed...
Plot: Cameras follow nine morbidly obese people as they take an amazing journey to try to lose as much as half their body weight and save their lives. Filmed over the course of a year, the documentary tracks the nine participants as they struggle to stick with a very strict programme of diet and exercise...
Plot: Reality TV series `It's Your Fault I'm Fat' follows a group of teenagers who have struggled with obesity their entire lives, resulting in a lack of confidence, a fear of leaving the house and feelings of shame of desperation. Revealing some hard-hitting home truths, the teenagers explain why they think...
Plot: In `Fat Chance', overweight individuals attempt to improve their odds of finding companionship by rebuilding themselves physically and emotionally. Each hour-long episode follows one person's progress toward losing a targeted amount of weight and gaining the confidence to finally confess feelings to...
Plot: Following the efforts of vet Sasha Nowell and trainer Alexis Banas as they attempt to rescue New Zealand's pets from an epidemic of animal obesity.