Plot: In every episode of the program, a star is hosted, and he is taken on a tour in a forest in South Africa, then a sudden failure occurs in the car, and here animals begin to appear, including animals that appear from boxes inside the car carrying the star, and animals from outside the car. How will the...
Plot: Alhokm Baad Almozawla is a popular Egyptian hidden camera/practical joke reality television series. On the show, unsuspecting celebrities are under the pretense that they are being interviewed for an Arabic-speaking German TV network. Wikipedia
Plot: In the context of excitement and suspense, the series revolves around the drug dealer Afandina (Mustafa Shaban) who tries to monopolize the drug trade, with a strong competitor such as the teacher (Al-Noah) and his son (Bara'a) who seek revenge for (Gharib Al-Nuh) after he killed him (Afandina) ). In...