Plot: In every episode of the program, a star is hosted, and he is taken on a tour in a forest in South Africa, then a sudden failure occurs in the car, and here animals begin to appear, including animals that appear from boxes inside the car carrying the star, and animals from outside the car. How will the...
Plot: Al-Bernameg was an Egyptian news satire program. The show was hosted by Bassem Youssef on the free-to-air channel MBC MASR and reruns are aired on Deutsche Welle; it was formerly broadcast on the satellite channels CBC and OnTV Egypt. Bassem Youssef announced on 2 June 2014 that the show was cancelled...
Plot: The Shock of the New is a 1980 documentary television series written and presented by Robert Hughes for the BBC in association with Time-Life Films. It was produced by Lorna Pegram and she directed three of the episodes. Wikipedia