Hōjō Tokimune
Description: Set during the Kamakura Shogunate in late-13th century Japan, this 49-episode series details the rise to power firstly of Hojo Tokiyori and then the succession of his young son Hojo Tokimune. As the son of the lord's consort, Tokimune was selected as his father's successor despite the fact that he has an older brother Tokisuke (son of the lord's concubine). This situation is manipulated by those samurai & noble families who stand to gain by the installation of either as Regent. This has disastrous consequences for the brothers whose fraternal bond is torn apart by the political machinations of others. The focus of the series is the transition of Hojo Tokimune from unsteady beginnings into a ruler capable of repulsing the Mongol assault on Japan instigated by Kublai Khan. 49 episodes means that plenty of themes and sub-plots are explored here, from the spread of the Lotus Sect by Nichiren to the expansion of the Mongol Empire, from intrigues between the Emperor's Nobles and the Regent's Samurai to the relationships between families, friends and nations. The most poignant storyline deals with the relationship between the two brothers.
Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2001
First episode air date: January 7, 2001
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Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2001
First episode air date: January 7, 2001
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