Plot: Tokugawa Ieyasu is a 1983 Japanese television series. It is the 21st NHK taiga drama. The drama is based on the novel of the same name by Sohachi Yamaoka. Wikipedia
Plot: Katsu Kaishū is a 1974 Japanese television series. It is the 12th NHK taiga drama.Tetsuya Watari was forced to step down from the role of Katsu Kaishū because of his illness so he appeared only first 9 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Hana no Ran was the 33rd Taiga drama to be broadcast on the NHK network in Japan. It premiered on 3 April 1994 and its finale aired on 25 December of the same year. Wikipedia
Plot: Aoi Bungaku Series is a twelve episode anime series featuring adaptations inspired by six short stories from Japanese literature. The six stories are adapted from classic Japanese tales. Wikipedia
Plot: Kaze to kumo to Niji to is a 1976 Japanese historical television series. It is the 14th NHK taiga drama. Kaze to kumo to Niji to deals with the Heian period in Japan. Based on ChÅgorÅ Kaionji's novels Taira no Masakado and Umi to Kaze to Niji to. The drama was made with Go Kato's...
Plot: Ågon no Hibi is a 1978 Japanese television series. It is the 16th NHK taiga drama, and is based on Saburo Shiroyama's novel of the same title. The series is the first taiga drama to focus on the lives of commoners and merchants, and the first taiga drama to be filmed outside Japan. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tokugawa Ieyasu is a 1983 Japanese television series. It is the 21st NHK taiga drama. The drama is based on the novel of the same name by Sohachi Yamaoka. Wikipedia
Plot: Dokuganryū Masamune is a 1987 Japanese historical television series. It is the 25th NHK taiga drama. The broadcast received an average viewer rating of 39.7 percent in the Kanto area. Wikipedia
Plot: KÅmyÅ ga Tsuji is a 2006 Japanese historical television series and the 45th NHK taiga drama. It is written by Shizuka Åishi, based on the 1965 novel of the same name by RyÅtarÅ Shiba. The series chronicles the lives of Chiyo and Yamauchi Kazutoyo, a couple...
Plot: The life of Oda Nobunaga, the Japanese warlord that started the unification of the country through a sneries of wars in the sixteenth century. His labor was followed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. He welcomed the Jesuits, the order that through their political meddling created the conditions...
Plot: Nene: Onna TaikÅki is a television jidaigeki show in Japan. It was scheduled to be broadcast on TV Tokyo on January 2, 2009, from 2:00 p.m. to midnight. Yukie Nakama portrays the lead character, Nene, and Kabuki actor Ichikawa KamejirÅ II takes the part of Nene's husband, Toyotomi...