Plot: Author Simon Sebag Montefiore presents his extensive knowledge of Spain in a bountiful three-part series that covers 2,000 years of the country's history. To cover the early portion, Simon travels to Cadiz with Spain's first invaders and visits a sacred island where the Carthaginian warrior Hannibal...
Plot: Simon Sebag Montefiore charts the rise of Istanbul from pagan trading post to capital of three empires and two religions, becoming not only holy but the most coveted city in the world.
Plot: Historian Simon Sebag Montefiore describes how the Habsburgs transformed Vienna into a multi-national city of music, culture and ideas. Napoleon, Hitler, Mozart, Strauss, Freud, Stalin and Klimt all played their part.
Plot: Professor Mary Beard returns to Rome in this documentary exploring another dimension of classical history. In this series, Beard asks what made the Romans special and discusses why they were able to build empires at such a large scale. Myths and legends surrounding the origins of Rome are dissected...
Plot: Professor Mary Beard takes a look beyond the stories of emperors, armies and gore in ancient Rome, a city at the heart of a vast and dominating empire -- in order to meet the everyday people at the heart of the empire. The program draws a portrait of the first global metropolis as seen through the...
Plot: Rageh Omaar traces the history of the Ottoman empire. A super-power of a million square miles, it matched the glories of Ancient Rome and collapsed less than a hundred years ago.