Plot: Professor Mary Beard takes a look beyond the stories of emperors, armies and gore in ancient Rome, a city at the heart of a vast and dominating empire -- in order to meet the everyday people at the heart of the empire. The program draws a portrait of the first global metropolis as seen through the...
Plot: Declassified: Untold Stories of American Spies is a documentary series that details important cases, missions and operations of the American intelligence community, told firsthand by the men and women who worked them. Wikipedia
Plot: Many questions still surround the Nazi regime and the indelible stain it left on European history. `Nazi Underworld' tries to set the record straight by revealing surprising insights about the infamous political party's hidden past and Adolf Hitler's inner circle: his family, henchmen, women, and sources...
Plot: Dan Snow attempts to use the latest satellite technology to reveal the secrets of the Roman Empire. Together with space archaeologist Sarah Parcak, Dan sets out to identify and then track down lost cities, amphitheatres and forts in an adventure that sees him travel through some of the most spectacular...