Plot: Kassa is a Dutch consumer television program produced by BNNVARA, which was created by Felix Meurders and since 2011 is hosted by Brecht van Hulten. It premiered in 1989. The program focuses on consumer affairs, reviewing and testing products, and also doing investigative reporting on issues with products...
Plot: A programme for adults in which physical activity is central. The presenters accompany the guests during the exercises and encourage viewers to do the same.
Plot: A gameshow that puts candidates' memories to the test. They have to pass all kinds of tests, from remembering a shopping list for a lengthy period of time to remembering details from an old film.
Plot: The Hollywood Professional Association (HPA) announced the winners of the 2016 HPA Awards (#hpaawards) during a gala celebration at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. The HPA Awards recognize individuals and companies for outstanding contributions made in the creation of feature films, television...
Plot: Projects with the aim of improving the well-being of the elderly in the Netherlands or abroad. The emphasis is mainly on degrading living environments for the elderly.