Plot: A music quiz show hosted by Marvin and Rochelle Humes, where pairs of contestants are tasked with naming as many hit songs and artists as possible under time pressure. The contestants hear a short audio clip, and from this they must determine the correct answer. The player with the quickest reaction...
Plot: A gameshow that puts candidates' memories to the test. They have to pass all kinds of tests, from remembering a shopping list for a lengthy period of time to remembering details from an old film.
Plot: MCW was set in Lelystad a provincial hospital in the middle of the country. MCW dramatized all sorts of ethical and personal dilemmas. MCW was in its time innovative for dealing with euthanasia, critical cancer treatment and abortion and other contemporary issues. MCW was set in Lelystad a provincial...
Plot: A music quiz show hosted by Marvin and Rochelle Humes, where pairs of contestants are tasked with naming as many hit songs and artists as possible under time pressure. The contestants hear a short audio clip, and from this they must determine the correct answer. The player with the quickest reaction...