Plot: Actor Larry Lamb and his son, George Lamb, travel through the country by bike to explore the beautiful landscapes and scenery of Britain's national parks, while experiencing some of the quintessential culture of each area. They get involved in both traditional and modern activities along the way, helping...
Plot: Larry and George Lamb, are following the routes of the Silk Road to unearth the treasures of Turkey. Whilst Larry explores Turkey's history, George seeks out the very best food and activities.
Plot: Prunella Scales and Timothy West embark on canal journeys together, traversing the canals of the UK, Europe, and the rest of the world by canal barge and narrowboat. Their trips take them along many scenic waterways, including ancient routes followed by the Vikings in Sweden, the windmills along the...
Plot: Cartographer George Bradshaw produced the first comprehensive timetable and travel guide of Great Britain's railway system in 1840. Armed with his Bradshaw's Guide, presenter Michael Portillo travels around the country by train exploring the ways that society and industry have changed since the guide...
Plot: Presenter Larry Lamb goes on a once-in-a-lifetime journey around Rome to discover what made the Romans so successful. Lamb is joined on his trip by some of Europe and America's most-renowned classical experts who provide information about the intrigue, conflict and violence that is central to the history...
Plot: Paul visits places long on his Kent bucket list, and starts by heading off on a modern-day pilgrimage to the beautiful city of Canterbury. After failing to impress his pigs with a reading from `Canterbury Tales', Paul follows in the footsteps of Chaucer's pilgrims by visiting the world-famous cathedral...