Plot: Liverpudlian comedian, John Bishop, goes on a once-in-a-lifetime, 600-mile trip around Ireland, the place where he started his stand-up comedy career. In this four-part series, Bishop experiences Irish culture, from visits to the local pub to football championships. John travels through the Emerald...
Plot: Christine Bleakley documents her exploration of Ireland in this travelogue series. The presenter goes on walks, climbs, drives and swims around the country via the Wild Atlantic Way, a 1500-mile-long coastal route. The journey begins from Malin Head in Donegal and ends at Clonakilty in Cork. Along...
Plot: Ardal O'Hanlon is an Irish comedian and actor. He played Father Dougal McGuire in Father Ted, George Sunday/Thermoman in My Hero, and DI Jack Mooney in Death in Paradise. Wikipedia
Plot: A look inside the Channel Tunnel, on board ferries and freighters, and into the hidden nerve centres that operate the world's busiest waterway: the English Channel.