Plot: Sabina Astudillo is a ordinary, young but ambitious woman who is willing to do anything to seduce Leonardo Sandander a presidential candidate to become the First lady of Chile. Sabina Astudillo comes from a humble and poor background and dreams of day being rich and famous. Tired of being poor, she...
Plot: Alguien te mira is a telenovela from Televisión Nacional de Chile. Directed by MarÃa Eugenia Rencoret, produced by Daniela Demichelli and written by Pablo Illanes and Nona Fernández. Wikipedia
Plot: Esa no soy yo is a Chilean drama television series that aired on the main channel of Televisión Nacional de Chile from August 24, 2015, to April 11, 2016, starring Camila Hirane, MatÃas Oviedo, and Cristián Carvajal. Wikipedia
Plot: Joe Croaker and his pal Cosmo live in a marsh with many of their friends, both of the animal and insect variety. As they experience a series of adventures, they find out about the value of friendship, especially when things aren't going so well.
Plot: El Señor de la Querencia is a nighttime soap opera broadcast by Televisión Nacional de Chile. El Señor de la Querencia is set in a rural estate in Colina, Chile in 1920. Wikipedia
Plot: When an elderly widow uses a state credit to start a taxi service employing only women, her son must live a lie in order to keep the business afloat
Plot: Los archivos del cardenal is a Chilean TV series that premiered on 21 July 2011 on Televisión Nacional de Chile and was based on the human rights defense work carried out by the Vicariate of Solidarity during the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Wikipedia