Plot: Esperanza is a Philippine primetime television drama that was aired by ABS-CBN from February 17, 1997 to July 30, 1999 replacing the 5 year run Mara Clara. It was re-aired in Studio 23 and Kapamilya Channel, which are both an ABS-CBN subsidiaries. Wikipedia
Plot: Bala Loca is a Chilean television series created by Marcos de Aguirre and David Miranda and produced by Filmosonido for Chilevisión. Bala loca means "stray bullet". Wikipedia
Plot: Los archivos del cardenal is a Chilean TV series that premiered on 21 July 2011 on Televisión Nacional de Chile and was based on the human rights defense work carried out by the Vicariate of Solidarity during the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Wikipedia
Plot: Esa no soy yo is a Chilean drama television series that aired on the main channel of Televisión Nacional de Chile from August 24, 2015, to April 11, 2016, starring Camila Hirane, MatÃas Oviedo, and Cristián Carvajal. Wikipedia
Plot: La PoseÃda, is a Chilean telenovela produced, and currently being broadcast, by TVN. Luciana EcheverrÃa, Marcelo Alonso and Jorge Arecheta star as the main protagonists, while Francisco Melo, Gabriel Cañas and Alicia RodrÃguez as the main antagonists. Wikipedia
Plot: Matriarcas, is a Chilean television soap opera created by Sebastián Arrau, that aired on TVN and TV Chile from May 18, to December 30, 2015, starring Claudia Di Girólamo, Francisco Reyes, Blanca Lewin, Emilio Edwards, Josefina Fiebelkorn, Gloria Münchmeyer, Ximena Rivas, and Juan Falcón...
Plot: Juana Brava is a Chilean television series created by Ignacio Arnold and Nimrod Amitai and produced and aired by Televisión Nacional de Chile during the second half of 2015. Wikipedia