Plot: Haziran Gecesi is a Turkish romantic drama television series that was shown in Kanal D. It started in 2004 and had 62 episodes. The main actors were played by Ãzcan Deniz, Naz Elmas and Burcu Kara. Gökhan Kırdar composed the soundtrack to the series which also includes "YaÄmur...
Plot: Avrupa Yakası is a Turkish sitcom, produced by Sinan Ãetin and written by Gülse Birsel. The series was shot at Plato Film studios and its first episode was broadcast on ATV on 11 February 2004. Hakan Algül directed the first season of the series, which was a completely domestic production...
Plot: People who come to the end of the world's life are faced with the reflection of their conscience at the spacious door. Amil, who welcomes them at the spacious gate, will remind them of the finest goodness and evil they do. People will keep the path to heaven or hell. People who come to the end of the...
Plot: After her death, Ruhsar returns as a ghost to be with his husband Mazhar, but she must use her magical abilities to protect their happiness from Mazhar's mother, who is unaware of Ruhsar's presence, makes her best to remarry his son with another woman. After her death, Ruhsar returns as a ghost to be...
Plot: Ece has grown up and become a beautiful woman. His father, Sedat, will not give up the methods he has been using for years to protect his daughter from the men and evil of the outside world.
Plot: Elin OÄlu was a Turkish talk show broadcast on ATV. Based on the original South Korean show Non-Summit, it aired on ATV on Saturday nights at 23:45 Eastern European Time from 21 March 2015 to 7 May 2016. The show was hosted by leading Turkish television personality Burcu Esmersoy and actor...
Plot: Valley of the Wolves is a Turkish media franchise created by Osman Sınav, which has obtained high ratings for the television series and one of the highest box office returns in the history of the Turkish cinema for the first film. Wikipedia
Plot: 'Capkin' is a young, handsome boy who spends most of his time acting as a vagabond. One day, he makes a bet with his closest friends that he will immediately pick up the first girl who enters the neighborhood.
Plot: The story of a middle class family that wants to enter the jet set. Cengiz, the owner of a fashion company has a fight with his son, Ozan, who is CEO of the company. Ozan is fired and Yasar who works as a driver is promoted to the level of CEO, although he has not got any education or related experience...
Plot: Humorous way of life with three different family having diversified lifestyle habits. The show focuses on the world of actors 'filled with lies' through the residents of Cihangir which is one of the most cosmopolite neighbourhoods in Istanbul. The first few episodes are mostly about the culture...
Plot: Munir and Inci are a family therapist; they are the most popular in recent times, experts in women-men relations. They are counseling both their patients and their families.