Plot: In "Guardians of the Glades," Discovery Channel spotlights Dusty "The Wildman" Crum's mission to save the Florida Everglades from an invasive breeding population of giant constrictors known as Burmese pythons. The reality series follows the snake hunter and his team as they take part in Florida's python...
Plot: Freshwater detective Jeremy Wade revisits his most compelling cases, chronicling his hunt for the cold-blooded killers terrorizing rivers across the globe.
Plot: U.S. waterways provide an abundance of resources used by many people to make a living, and the reality series "American River Renegades" documents a group of them and the work they do. From the ice-cold Yukon River and the muddy Mississippi to the great Pee Dee River in South Carolina down to the flooded...
Plot: Man's encounters with mysterious and often deadly creatures are legendary, all the more reason to build a series around them using first-person accounts told through re-enactments.
Plot: In many cases, animal hoarding goes unaddressed until it becomes a crime. This docu-reality series takes an unflinching look at the compulsive need to possess and control an unmanageable number of animals, the people and pets affected, and the challenges of confronting this psychological condition....
Plot: Emmy-nominated actor and comic Anthony Anderson hosts this weekly talk/variety show, taking a cue from some of his favorite TV memories watching iconic stars like Johnny Carson and David Letterman interact with their animal guests. The series celebrates the many sides of furry friends and people who...
Plot: Into the Lion's Den is a Discovery Channel documentary about zoologist and big cat trainer Dave Salmoni, armed only with a camera on a pole, carefully conditioning a wild pride of lions to accept his presence. Wikipedia
Plot: The eternal conflict between predator and prey plays out on a series of diverse backdrops around the world, and often the changing nature of the environment can tip the odds in favour of either the hunter or the hunted. This programme spans the globe in search of exciting stories illustrating the dramatic...
Plot: Footage of truly freakish animal stories delivered with analysis from animal experts which include Dr. Sophia Yin and Dr. Jill Helms, exotic animal specialist Dave Riherd, and others.
Plot: Adventurer/cameraman Andreas Kieling is on a mission to film the most endangered and elusive animals on the planet. `World's Wildest Encounters' features Kieling as he travels to several locations around the world, hoping to get as close as possible and capture never-before-seen footage of rare species...
Plot: Dr. Brady Barr, a herpetologist by trade, travels all over the world to study reptiles and other creatures in their native habitats, often risking his life in the process. His mission is two-fold: to collect as much information as possible about the animals he studies and to inform the public about...
Plot: British adventurer and cinematographer Richard Terry travels to faraway jungles and remote islands in search of the truth behind stories of unknown creatures attacking, and killing, humans. In the Amazon rainforest, Terry is on the trail of a huge spider said to be attacking villagers; in southern...
Plot: "Wilderness Vet" features compelling stories from the life of renowned veterinarian Dr. Michelle Oakley, who lives and works in Canada's rugged and sparsely populated Yukon. Each episode shows Dr. Oakley and her colleagues traveling to private homes, farms and wildlife preserves across the territory...
Plot: An examination of some of the unusual strategies that animals have developed to survive, attempting to understand why these bizarre behaviours were developed.
Plot: Chris Packham investigates the unusual natural events with the help of eyewitness accounts, scientists and the actual footage of the occurrences.
Plot: This wildlife documentary, produced for and aired on the BBC in 2009, is a follow-up to a book and radio series that chronicled the expeditions of writer Douglas Adams and zoologist Mark Carwardine, whose mission was to find and report on some of the most endangered species around the world. The six...