Plot: With a unique ability to see the world through their eyes, renowned dog behaviour expert Cesar Millan rehabilitates all manner of troubled canines in this popular reality series, and often that involves Millan not only teaching dogs new tricks but also training their owners how to achieve a balanced...
Plot: Made up of over 7,600 islands in the midst of the warm and emerald Pacific Ocean, the Philippines is a country full of stunning wildlife spectacles.
Plot: Dog behaviour specialist Matt Beisner and his team help owners learn how to handle their aggressive and misunderstood animals, and rescue and rehabilitate dogs from local shelters that have been turned away by other facilities.
Plot: A group of scientific experts travel to different places to examine the most dangerous animals around the world and to shed light on how they survive in the wild.
Plot: Dog breeders mate pooches with the intention of getting the offspring to have specific qualities or characteristics. "Breeder of the Pack" illustrates what breeders have to go through to accomplish their goals. Each episode of the series tells the story of a breeder, each of whom has certain motivations...
Plot: `Wild 24' is a documentary series capturing the life of different animals around the world for a whole day and night. For a period of 24 hours the cameras follow the wildlife that comes and goes in remote environments such as Africa's savannah, Chile's Atacama Desert and the forests of Tasmania. The...