Plot: The Secret of Lost Creek is an American adventure television series that aired on the Disney Channel from February 1 1992, until March 1 1992. Wikipedia
Plot: Like A&E Network's "Intervention," this series offers an honest and unflinching look at a difficult subject: extreme anxiety disorders. It explores the world of individuals suffering from such mental illnesses as obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and hoarding, as...
Plot: Joey and Michael, who fought over the same woman 13 years ago now have, upon her death, been awarded joint custody of her daughter - who might be either of theirs. So how do the men settle their problems? With a paternity test? No way. Instead, they all move in together to raise Nicole as a two-dad...
Plot: Television's first drama series built around a mentally challenged character, "Life Goes On" chronicles the experiences of the Thacher family, particularly Corky, who has Down syndrome. Although he is 18, Corky is just now being mainstreamed into high school after extensive time in special education...
Plot: "Dallas" is the saga of the Ewing family and its massive oil empire. Patriarch Jock has three sons. The eldest is J.R., the relentless CEO of Ewing Oil. Less obviously malicious are Bobby and Gary. Over a decade-plus of backstabbing, inbreeding, lust and greed, dozens of characters enter and exit the...
Plot: A probationary angel, Jonathan Smith, despatched back to the Earth joins forces with an ex-policeman, Mark Gordon, to assist individuals in distress.
Plot: Aaron's Way is an American family drama series television series that aired on NBC from March 9 to May 25, 1988. The series stars Merlin Olsen as Aaron Miller, the husband and father of an Amish family that moves to California. Wikipedia
Plot: Peaceable Kingdom is an American family drama television series that aired on CBS from September 20 until November 15, 1989. The series was cancelled after only seven episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: The desperate housewives of Wisteria Lane have nothing on the characters in this "Dallas" spinoff, which saw recovering alcoholic Gary Ewing and his wife, Valene, settling into a Southern California cul-de-sac to escape the dirty dealings back home in Texas. Gary worked for car dealer Sid Fairgate,...
Plot: Follow the life and hardships of the Walton family consisting of John, Olivia, their seven children and their parents through the Great Depression and World War II.
Plot: Skag is an American drama series that aired on NBC and starred Karl Malden. Skag originated as a three-hour television movie that aired on January 6, 1980. Over a week later, it then premiered as a weekly series, Thursdays at 10/9c, which ran from January 17, 1980, until its cancellation on February...