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The Boys of Twilight
Description: The Boys of Twilight is an American western drama series that aired on CBS from February 29 until March 21, 1992. Wikipedia Genre: Drama, Western Year Released: 1992 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 5 First episode air date: February 29, 1992 Network: CBS
Plot: Follow the life and hardships of the Walton family consisting of John, Olivia, their seven children and their parents through the Great Depression and World War II.
Plot: Based on Alex Haley's family history. Kunta Kinte is sold into the slave trade after being abducted from his African village, and is taken to the United States. Kinte and his family observe notable events in American history, such as the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, slave uprisings and emancipation...
Plot: Students at New York's famous High School for the Performing Arts pour their hearts and souls into their training to become stars in their chosen field in this TV series adaptation of a 1980 motion picture of the same title. They include Danny, an aspiring comic; Coco, an ambitious singer and dancer...
Plot: Streetwise Detective David Starsky partners up with a more intellectual partner, Kenneth 'Hutch' Hutchinson, to protect citizens and patrol the streets of Bay City. They get their inside information from flamboyant bad-boy Huggy Bear and spar with their no-nonsense boss, Capt. Harold Dobey.
Plot: Nazi hunters discover hundreds of high-ranking Nazi officials in 1977 New York City, conspiring to create a Fourth Reich in the U.S.; the Hunters set out to bring the Nazis to justice and thwart their new genocidal plans.
Plot: Based on Alex Haley's family history. Kunta Kinte is sold into the slave trade after being abducted from his African village, and is taken to the United States. Kinte and his family observe notable events in American history, such as the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, slave uprisings and emancipation...
Plot: This series follows the trials and tribulations of the Bradford brood, which consists of eight very independent children headed by father Tom. This comedy follows the kids as they date, grow, marry and have children themselves.
Plot: The ABC Movie of the Week was a weekly television anthology series featuring made-for-TV movies, that aired on the ABC network in various permutations from 1969 to 1975. Wikipedia
Plot: Emmy and Golden Globe-winning actor James Brolin stars as a tough war veteran in charge of an elite group of young marines learning to fly FA-18 Hornets. Kenny Johnson ("Blade," "Major League III Back to the Minors") plays "Burner" - a gifted pilot struggling with emotional problems. Sandra Hess ("...
Plot: The Road Home is an American family drama television series created by Bruce Paltrow and John Tinker, series that aired on CBS from March 5, 1994, to April 16, 1994. The series starred Karen Allen, Ed Flanders, Terence Knox, Jessica Bowman and Christopher Masterson. Just 6 episodes were produced. Wikipedia...
Plot: This family Western show centers on the adventures of Michaela Quinn, a doctor who lives in the post-Civil War frontier town of Colorado Springs. Moving there after her father, a Boston physician, dies, Dr. Mike, as she's called, must win over the trust of her new community, who are not exactly thrilled...
Plot: Orleans is an American drama television series created by Toni Graphia and John Sacret Young, that aired on CBS from January 7 through April 10, 1997. It ran for 8 episodes. The series was said to be inspired by the experiences of creator/producer Toni Graphia, who was the daughter of a Louisiana judge...
Plot: Central Park West is an American prime time television soap opera that ran from September 1995 to June 1996 on CBS. The series was created and executive produced by Darren Star. As the title suggests, CPW was set in New York, in the affluent Central Park West area of Manhattan. Wikipedia
Plot: Monica, Tess and Andrew are angels sent on Earth to help people having great difficulties wherein they also learn valuable lessons. They remind people about the love of God for them.
Plot: Denise moves to the city to work at a glamorous department store. She struggles to cope with the problems caused by the shopkeepers nearby as their business suffers due to the store.
Plot: When he suddenly loses his job, Russell Greene takes his family -- wife Wendy, son Josh, daughter Dinah and nephew Nathaniel, as well as his mother, Hattie -- on a sort of spiritual road trip to help those in need. With their motto, "We're all on this road together," they travel across the country,...