Plot: This documentary miniseries explores the military and political history that influenced the creation of medieval castles across Europe. The programme focuses on the labour required to build the colossal structures, from the towering walls to the rolling turrets. The innovative architecture required...
Plot: Dan Jones presents a documentary series which explores the history of Britain's greatest castles. Each episode takes a look at a different castle located in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Jones gives an insightful account of the structures' past, from construction to the residents and...
Plot: Actor Simon Delaney explores the history of Ireland's greatest castles by discovering the stories and characters associated with them. The documentary includes exceptional aerial footage of Ireland, and cameras capture lesser-known areas of the island. Beginning with the 12th century, Delaney discusses...
Plot: Claire is shocked when she is arrested for the murder of her childhood friend after her return to Montpellier. Her only option to defend herself remains in revealing all the secrets of her past.