Plot: Professor Alice Roberts and archaeologist Neil Oliver explore the world of the Celts in this three-part documentary. In reviewing the origins and culture of the ancient civilisation, the presenters use drama reconstructions and the latest findings to uncover theories of the relationship between the...
Plot: One of the great untold stories of WWII is the role the supernatural played in shaping and determining the war's outcome. Adolf Hitler attempted to harness religion, dark magic and occultism in his quest to secure power across Europe.
Plot: A candid look at what life was really like for those living in, and under Hitler's Swastika, at home and abroad, a record not only of what they saw, but of what they knew.
Plot: Historian Simon Sebag Montefiore describes how the Habsburgs transformed Vienna into a multi-national city of music, culture and ideas. Napoleon, Hitler, Mozart, Strauss, Freud, Stalin and Klimt all played their part.
Plot: Iconic moments in the history of warfare including the D-Day landings, the ill-fated airborne operation at Arnhem, the German counterattack at the Battle of the Bulge and the dash for one of the last bridges standing across the Rhine at Remagen.
Plot: Historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold go back in time a few hundred years - figuratively, at least - as they learn how to build a medieval castle using only tools, techniques and materials that were available in the 13th century. It is an extensive project, which is part...
Plot: Exploring how the infamous Tudor king "changed from a clever, handsome prince full of promise into a paranoid, multi-married monster", who caused huge political upheaval in Europe.
Plot: Historian Dan Snow takes viewers into the secret world of medieval warfare and strategy. Over six episodes, Snow explores the military engineering behind such mighty fortifications as Dover Castle in England, Krak des Chevaliers in Syria, and Gibralfaro in Spain, and he details legendary battles that...
Plot: The owners and experts of castles open the doors, revealing the secrets of the past and centuries of history. The largest families, who still live in these magnificent residences, share their destinies.
Plot: This documentary miniseries explores the military and political history that influenced the creation of medieval castles across Europe. The programme focuses on the labour required to build the colossal structures, from the towering walls to the rolling turrets. The innovative architecture required...
Plot: From William the Conqueror to Queen Victoria, historian Sam Willis traces the story of Britain's castles and their unique roles in our history, art and literature.