Plot: Brødrene Dal is a Norwegian television series by Norwegian comedy trio KLM, that originally aired as four series in 1979, 1982, 1994 and 2005. A fifth adventure, originally performed on stage in 1997, was edited and released as a movie in 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: In 1950 professor Kurt Drøvel vanished while exploring the unchartered river Overfloden outside of Oslo, Norway. All rescue attempts failed. 28 years later, the brothers Dal have started a journey, by canoe, up Overfloden, in order to establish what really happened to professor Drøvel. In 1950 professor...
Plot: Portveien 2 was a children's TV-show produced by NRK, which premiered on 19 March 1985. It has had many reruns, and has become a part of Norwegian TV history. The show produced 140 episodes. The outdoor footage for the series was filmed in a little house in the allotment gardens at Sagene in Oslo,...
Plot: Pompel og Pilt are two characters from a Norwegian children's TV show called "Reparatørene kommer", which was created in 1969 by Arne and Bjørg Mykle. Wikipedia
Plot: Husker du? was a television music program aimed at senior citizens broadcast between the years 1971 and 1985 by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. It was initiated and largely hosted by Ivar Ruste, accompanied by Odd Grythe initially and Børt-Erik Thoresen after Grythe's health deteriorated...
Plot: Lille Lørdag was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program that ran on the Norwegian state channel NRK from 1995 till 1996. The show was significant in launching the careers of comedians Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen. Wikipedia