Plot: Brødrene Dal is a Norwegian television series by Norwegian comedy trio KLM, that originally aired as four series in 1979, 1982, 1994 and 2005. A fifth adventure, originally performed on stage in 1997, was edited and released as a movie in 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Spadla z oblakov is a Slovak language sci-fi TV series for children created in 1978. The series became very popular in Czechoslovakia and several other countries. The series was based on 1967 child book Spadla z nebe by Václav Pavel BoroviÄka, a Czech writer and screenwriter. Wikipedia
Plot: Jul i Skomakergata is a Norwegian TV-show for children, produced in 1979. It is a televised advent calendar, meaning it is broadcast from December 1 to December 24. It has been broadcast several times in Norway by NRK. The story revolves around shoe repairer Jens Petrus Andersen, played by Henki Kolstad...
Plot: Pompel og Pilt are two characters from a Norwegian children's TV show called "Reparatørene kommer", which was created in 1969 by Arne and Bjørg Mykle. Wikipedia
Plot: Quaq Quao is an Italian animated television series for children based on the adventures of a duck. The series consisted of 26 episodes of five to six minutes duration. It was filmed using stop-motion with origami figures and was written and directed by Francesco Misseri with music by Piero Barbetti...
Plot: Portveien 2 was a children's TV-show produced by NRK, which premiered on 19 March 1985. It has had many reruns, and has become a part of Norwegian TV history. The show produced 140 episodes. The outdoor footage for the series was filmed in a little house in the allotment gardens at Sagene in Oslo,...