Plot: Orphan Black â 7 Genes, launched December 2, 2017, on Fuji Television, is a Japanese remake of the BBC Worldwide show Orphan Black. It stars South Korean actress and singer Kang Ji-young as Sara Aoyama, a broke and desperate single mother who witnesses the shocking suicide of a woman...
Plot: The Sun Never Sets is a 2000 Japanese television series. Starring Hideaki Takizawa, Yasuko Matsuyuki and YÅ«ka, it aired from 13 April to 22 June 2000 on Fuji TV. Wikipedia
Plot: Under the rule of Shogun Ienari, the samurais and the townspeople are all discontented and grumbling about their lot in life. Amidst all these, there lives a man by the name of Jirokichi, popularly known as Nezumi Kozo. Jirokichi runs a bar with the help of his sister, Kosode. Unbeknownst to everyone...
Plot: Boku dake no Madonna, sometimes shortened to BokuMado, is a drama series that aired in Japan on Fuji TV in 2003. In English it is often called You are my only Madonna / ... and I Love Her. Wikipedia