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Fear Itself
Description: An anthology of short stories filled with suspense and horror, presented by some of the critically acclaimed writers and directors. Genre: Horror Year Released: 2008 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 13 First episode air date: June 5, 2008 Networks: NBC, AXN Sci Fi
Plot: This adaptation of the "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" tale is a dark coming-of-age story that traffics in horror and the occult. In the reimagined origin story, Sabrina Spellman wrestles to reconcile her dual nature -- half-witch, half-mortal -- while standing against the evil forces that threaten her...
Plot: Based on Charlaine Harris' book series by the same name, "Midnight, Texas" follows the lives of the strange inhabitants of a small town in the middle of nowhere, where the concept of normal is relative. A haven for vampires, witches, psychics, hit men, and others with extraordinary backgrounds, Midnight...
Plot: An anthology of stories consisting of a house with a deadly secret, a demented asylum, a witch coven, an unusual show, a hotel, a haunted farmhouse, a cult and an apocalypse.
Plot: From executive producers Carlton Cuse ("Lost," "Bates Motel") and Raelle Tucker ("True Blood"), "The Returned" is set in a small town that is changed forever when a seemingly random collection of locals suddenly reappear. What they do not yet know is that they have been dead for several years, and...
Plot: During a 12-hour period when all crime -- including murder -- is legal, a group of seemingly unrelated characters cross paths in a city in an altered America. While the clock winds down, some will fight, some will hide, others will embrace what it means to purge to its fullest extent -- whether for...
Plot: A group of teenagers sheltered from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world receive a message that inspires them to leave the safety of the only home they have ever known and embark on a cross-country journey to save their father.
Plot: A sign of the apocalypse has begun. Reports of a rapidly changing world for unknown reasons underscore this gritty drama, a prequel to AMC's uber-popular "Walking Dead." The story is told through the lens of high school guidance counsellor Madison Clark. The widowed mother is raising two children single...
Plot: The series revolves around the life of a mother and her two daughters, who are unaware of their magical birth right, that they are indeed powerful and immortal witches.
Plot: Based on the EC Comics series of the same name, this campy and stylized anthology series recounts a string of horrific yarns introduced by the show's moldering host, the Crypt Keeper. Episodes feature a number of well-known actors and actresses, including Dan Aykroyd, Malcolm McDowell, Christopher Reeve...
Plot: Emma Swan's past disasters drag her into the small town of Maine. She is the long-lost daughter of a king, who must protect her town from the curse of an evil queen.
Plot: After mastering the skill of archery on a deserted island, multi-millionaire playboy Oliver Queen returns to his city to take on the vigilante persona of Arrow to fight crime and corruption.
Plot: As zombies attack Rio de Janeiro, reality TV show contestants hunker down in a TV studio where they must deal with more than flesh-eating hordes.
Plot: Writer Aaron Mahnke launched his podcast "Lore" in 2015 and it has gained critical acclaim in the time since, including earning Best of 2015 honors from iTunes. The audio program is now becoming a TV series as an anthology that, like the podcast, uncovers real-life events that spawned people's darkest...
Plot: A group of revolutionaries are forced to battle the ruling warlords in a post-apocalyptic dystopia, after an unknown phenomenon shuts down electricity, leading to the collapse of public order.
Plot: The Hastings family owns the only funeral home in the mysterious town of La Rochelle, Ga., which is known for its haunted houses, odd residents and unusual phenomena. La Rochelle is also considered a "landing patch" for some of the world's darkest manifestations of fear that are guided into the world...
Plot: In a futuristic Western-themed amusement park, Westworld, the visitors interact with automatons. However, all hell breaks loose when the robots begin malfunctioning.
Plot: Maria Abascal is a demon hunter who roams Charleston, South Carolina, in search of demonised people who she can exorcise. Maria is not just fighting evil in others, though, as she struggles with her own supernatural force, Abigail, who resides inside of her. When Maria exorcises evil from others, Abigail...
Plot: This program shows evidence of a supposed situation when no one dies in the world. People keep aging, they get hurt, sick, but they never die, threatening to change what it means to be human, forever.
Plot: `Crazyhead' is written and created by BAFTA-award winner, Howard Overman, and stars Cara Theobold and Susan Wokoma in the lead roles. The story follows best friends Amy and Raquel who have bonded over their dealings with the supernatural. Amy's abilities allow her to see ghouls, as they roam the earth...
Plot: When Sam and Dean join forces with an unexpected ally, the outcome alters the course of two lives; Heaven faces an attack from a dark force, driving Castiel to make an enormous sacrifice to make things right.
Plot: On her first day at high school, Elena meets Stefan and immediately feels a connection with him. However, what she does not know is that Stefan and his brother, Damon, are in fact vampires.
Plot: A group of survivors led by police officer Rick Grimes travel in search of a safe and secure home after a zombie apocalypse spreads across the USA.
Plot: An FBI special agent Olivia Dunham must work together with a mad scientist Walter Bishop and his son Peter Bishop to investigate various aspects of fringe science.
Plot: Several years since a zombie virus swept across America, there's only one person -- who goes by just Murphy -- known to have survived the infection -- the world's last hope at creating a vaccine. The last functioning viral lab needs blood from him for its antibodies, but the facility is in California...
Plot: Created and co-executive produced by Robert Kirkman ("The Walking Dead"), the drama series "Outcast" stars Patrick Fugit ("Gone Girl") as Kyle Barnes, a man who has been possessed by demons since he was young. His search for answers -- and redemption -- leads him into a relationship with Reverend Anderson...
Plot: A group of scientists travel to the Arctic in order to investigate a potential outburst of a disease. But they run into a life-or-death situation that may jeopardize the mankind on Earth.
Plot: Sarah Bennett's parents were murdered by a killer known as "The Executioner" 30 years ago. Now, she returns to the quiet community of Waterbury, where the killings occurred, to start over with her husband Dylan, but upon arriving they discover that things haven't changed much. Sarah quickly finds herself...
Plot: This reality series, which comes from the producers of "The Purge" and "Lore," provides viewers with a chilling glimpse into first-person accounts of supernatural events. People who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar or extraordinary events tell their tales, which include how the unexplained phenomena...
Plot: Children's TV is usually wholesome entertainment that can be enjoyed by the whole family, but child psychologist Mike Painter thinks there's one show in particular -- "Candle Cove" -- that might not have been so innocent. No one seems to remember the 1980s show except for Mike, and he has ever-growing...
Plot: Set in the "Z Nation" universe, this series follows a crack team of special forces as it fights for hope in the darkest hours of the zombie apocalypse.
Plot: Based on the book by Brian McGreevy and executive produced by acclaimed horror master Eli Roth ("Hostel"), this Netflix original series revolves around the peculiar residents -- and killer creatures -- of Hemlock Grove, a dilapidated former steel town in Pennsylvania. The town is composed of people...
Plot: After having a heart attack, a teenager gets a heart transplant to survive. She subsequently becomes consumed by the mystery surrounding her life-saving heart. As she gets closer to uncovering the truth about her donor's sudden death, she begins to take on the characteristics of the deceased donor,...
Plot: Set during World War II, "The Terror: Infamy" centers on a series of bizarre deaths that haunt a Japanese American community, and a young man's journey to understand and combat the malevolent entity that is responsible. Chester Nakayama and his friends and family from Terminal Island, Calif., face...
Plot: A famous horror writer who is lured back to her hometown discovers that the evil spirit who plagues her dreams is now wreaking havoc in the real world.
Plot: Stephen King's 1980 novella "The Mist" -- adapted into a feature film by Frank Darabont in 2007 -- is re-imagined this time for TV by executive producer/writer Christian Torpe. Set in the small town of Bridgeville, Maine, the story centers on a family torn apart by a heinous crime. In the aftermath...
Plot: Bo is a small-town girl on the run after a disastrous sexual encounter with her boyfriend ends with his death. Bo learns that she is not human, but a succubus, who feeds on the sexual energy of humans. She and her kind are members of the Fae, creatures of legend, who walk among humans and feed off them...
Plot: A series of spellbinding, enchanting and intriguing tales that will bring chills to the back of the neck. Different characters must navigate their way through the unexplained.
Plot: Sookie Stackhouse works as a barmaid in Louisiana and has the ability to read people's minds. Her life changes when the vampires in her town reveal their existence to the world.
Plot: Based on Joe Hill's New York Times best-selling novel of the same name, "NOS4A2" is a different kind of vampire story. It follows Vic McQueen, a gifted young woman who discovers she has a supernatural ability to find lost things. This ability puts her on a collision course with the evil and immortal...
Plot: Nick Burkhardt, a detective, begins to see what nobody else can, gruesome monstrosity. He soon realises that like his ancestors, he too is a huntsman.
Plot: The second season of the anthology series based on the works of Stephen King sets its sights on budding psychopath Annie Wilkes. A feud between warring clans reaches a boil when Wilkes, King's nurse from hell, gets waylaid in Castle Rock while traversing the country with daughter Joy. A car accident...
Plot: In this reimagining of the classic Dracula story, the world is dominated by vampires, requiring humans to work together to survive. The series centers on Vanessa Helsing, daughter of famed vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, who wakes up after a five-year coma to discover a vampire-controlled world....
Plot: Hope Mikaelson, the daughter of a werewolf and a vampire, attends the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted and learns to use and control her supernatural abilities.
Plot: The Exorcist is an American horror film series consisting of five films based on the 1971 novel The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty. The films have been distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures and 20th Century Fox. The films have grossed over $661 million at the worldwide box office. Wikipedia
Plot: The Original family of vampires settle down in the city of New Orleans that they helped to construct several decades ago. They encounter old buddies and confront new foes.
Plot: When an earthquake unleashes dangerous paranormal forces, the beliefs and biases of humankind face a reckoning. Roman Mercer, a troubled medium and local pariah, must fight figurative and literal demons to stop a mass haunting in his remote Alaskan town of Port Moore. The prejudiced townsfolk stand...