Description: This reality series, which comes from the producers of "The Purge" and "Lore," provides viewers with a chilling glimpse into first-person accounts of supernatural events. People who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar or extraordinary events tell their tales, which include how the unexplained phenomena continue to haunt them. Stories include a boy who is haunted by visions of a woman hanging in his closet and sisters who grew up in a real-life house of horrors with a sadistic father who did unspeakable things.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Year Released: 2018
Number of seasons: 2
Number of episodes: 12
First episode air date: October 19, 2018
Network: Netflix
Cast: Vanda Chaloupková
Executive Producers: Brett P. Jenkins, Howard Owens, Ben Silverman
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Year Released: 2018
Number of seasons: 2
Number of episodes: 12
First episode air date: October 19, 2018
Network: Netflix
Cast: Vanda Chaloupková
Executive Producers: Brett P. Jenkins, Howard Owens, Ben Silverman
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