Plot: Each episode of this remodeling series follows a couple as they go through the process of "extreme home renovating" to transform their ordinary residence into a dream home.
Plot: The title of this FYI home makeover series aptly describes the featured structures prior to their rescue by designer April Glover and contractor Gary Stein. In a matter of days, the duo help new property owners transform dilapidated dwellings into homes that are the envy of neighbors. Glover, whose...
Plot: The host visits various construction sites in Australia to interview architects and designers and shed light on the process of custom-design building.
Plot: Host Patrick Clark tours the country revealing unique architecture and very different homes. "Offbeat America" tells the stories of the people, places and plants that are part of fairy tale houses and high-tech homes. Homeowners share their inspiration and passion for unusual designs like a backyard...
Plot: For some people their dream home is just that, a dream. For others it's a reachable goal, provided such factors as weather delays, restrictive sites, endless permits, crusty contractors and wayward budgets are dealt with head on. Along the way, there are plenty of guffaws that happen during the building...
Plot: Host Kristin Wells helps homeowners identify and fix problem areas in remodels, with the focus being on multifunctional rooms like living rooms, kitchens and outdoor spaces. Wells takes on up to four projects per episode, and the homeowners are active participants in the makeovers along with her.
Plot: Host Steve Hanneman leads a three-person team of builders who complete substantial building projects over the weekend. Steve and his team work alongside homeowners to saw, sand, nail, stain and paint everything from outdoor patios to kitchens to complete yard makeovers.
Plot: The title of this FYI home makeover series aptly describes the featured structures prior to their rescue by designer April Glover and contractor Gary Stein. In a matter of days, the duo help new property owners transform dilapidated dwellings into homes that are the envy of neighbors. Glover, whose...